Electrifying America
In the race to Net Zero by 2050, we have to start finding solutions to cut our emissions. One of those solutions is to use electricity from clean sources for transportation and households. This episode explores the path forward with electricity, and helps explain some of the challenges facing this promising energy delivery system.
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Experts in this Episode

Dr. Julie A. Cohn
Julie’s work focuses on energy infrastructures, environmental history, technological change, and the relationships between government, business, and the public.

Joy Ditto
Joy Ditto is the American Public Power Association’s president and CEO. She was previously the president and CEO of the Utilities Technology Council, a global trade association representing electric, gas, and water utilities.

Dr. Kenneth B. Medlock
Dr. Medlock is the James A. Baker, III, and Susan G. Baker Fellow in Energy and Resource Economics at the Baker Institute and the senior director of the Center for Energy Studies.

Dr. Peter Fox-Penner
Mr. Fox-Penner is a Senior Fellow and Founding Director of the Institute for Sustainable Energy (now IGS), and formerly co-directed the Impact Measurement and Allocation Program (IMAP) of research in sustainable finance.

Todd Snitchler
Through the Electric Power Supply Association (EPSA), Mr. Snitchler represents companies that own competitive power generation assets and advocates for policies that focus on well-functioning and properly regulated competitive electricity markets.

Dr. Michael Webber
Dr. Webber’s expertise spans research and education at the convergence of engineering, policy, and commercialization on topics related to innovation, energy, and the environment.